
Entrepreneurs-in-Residence provide 1:1 mentoring to entrepreneurs and startups in the region, lead workshops, and support the entrepreneurial community in and out of our member incubators.

Our mentors come from diverse backgrounds and industries and can provide support to entrepreneurs and startups in all stages, from ideation through prototyping through launch. Learn more about each of our Entrepreneurs-in-Residence:

Vladmir Baranov Headshot

Vladmir Baranov

Brian Bauer Headshot

Brian Bauer

Ed Bizari Headshot

Ed Bizari

illa burbank headshot_sized for web

Illa Burbank

Amy Cheney Headshot

Amy Cheney

Barak Cohen Headshot

Barak Cohen

Nate Cook Headshot

Nate Cook

Doug Dresslaer Headshot

Doug Dresslaer

Julie Eagle Headshot

Julie Eagle

Susan Fleming Headshot

Susan Fleming

Alex Hagen Headshot

Alex Hagen

Li Jiang Headshot

Li Jiang

Headshot of Nancy Kirby standing in front of a calm lake.

Nancy Kirby

Elisa Miller-Out headshot

Elisa Miller-Out

Headshot of Melanie Neumann. A white woman wearing a black blazer and silver jewelry.

Melanie Neumann

Aaron Proujansky Headshot

Aaron Proujansky

Greg Ray headshot

Gregory Ray

Gene Rendino headshot

Gene Rendino

Ken Rother headshot

Ken Rother

heather sandford headshot

Heather Sandford

Stephen Sauer

Stephen Sauer


Tom Schryver

justin smithline headshot

Justin Smithline

John Tauzel headshot

John Tauzel

bennett thomas headshot

Bennett Thomas

brad treat headshot

Brad Treat

Stephanie Wisner_Resized for Webpages

Stephanie Wisner

Brandon Wright Entrepreneur in Residence

Brandon Wright